
P12 Arcana is the UGC launchpad, arcade gallery and voting pool, featuring content made with the P12 Editor.

<aside> 🌼 Quick Links

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🎊 P12 Arcana: Linea Editorium

P12 is now collaborating with Linea to host a Web3 UGC hackathon called "P12 Arcana" on September 4th.

The event aims to launch the first public beta test of the P12 Editor. Participants can download the P12 Editor and try to create simple works, or just vote for others' works.

<aside> 🎁 Benefits of Participation

Prize Pool.jpg

🏆 Prizes Distribution


🙋🏼‍♀️ How to Participate

A step by step walkthrough guide. ⬇️

  1. Install the P12 Editor and create your work

✅ Download the P12 Editor from the official website(windows)