P12 is building the first and only GUI Onchain Engine for fully onchain games and autonomous worlds.

Pitch Deck ⬇️


<aside> 🎯 P12 aims to


<aside> 🌐 Quick Links


🟑 P12 Arcana: UGC Hackathon | 2023.9

πŸ”—Β https://arcana.p12.games/

P12 hosted a Web3 UGC hackathon β€” P12 Arcana in September, launching the first public beta test of the P12 Editor.

Participants can download the P12 Editor and try to create simple works, or just vote for others' works.


πŸ“ˆΒ Engagement (Updating)

<aside> πŸ—³οΈ Total Vote Casted: 101.8M


<aside> πŸ”— Wallet Connect UAW: 112,120


<aside> πŸ«‚ Total Voters: 32,282


<aside> πŸ’» Editor Download: 13,610


<aside> 🎨 Total creation uploaded: 14,683


🌎 Active Engagement


πŸ–ΌοΈΒ Over 14,000+ UGC Creation

P12 Arcana Creation.mp4

🟠 Fully Onchain Game: DegenReborn | 2023.4

πŸ”—Β https://degenreborn.xyz/

DegenReborn is an almost-fully-onchain Web3 game invested and published by P12.


🟑 BNB Chain Report

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/92bcbf77-1e3d-405e-897a-d721bf7dec9c/cc23db70-9fb0-4dda-868f-5c986b6c424b/bnb-bnb-logo.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/92bcbf77-1e3d-405e-897a-d721bf7dec9c/cc23db70-9fb0-4dda-868f-5c986b6c424b/bnb-bnb-logo.png" width="40px" /> 19,000+addresses, 250k+USDT in revenue on BNB Chain



πŸ”΅Β Linea Chain Report

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/92bcbf77-1e3d-405e-897a-d721bf7dec9c/fdec119a-8d0b-49fb-9433-f69964111d17/Frame_1312318010.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/92bcbf77-1e3d-405e-897a-d721bf7dec9c/fdec119a-8d0b-49fb-9433-f69964111d17/Frame_1312318010.png" width="40px" /> 100,000+ addresses on Linea Testnet



🟒 Esport Campaign: DotA2 TI11 | 2022.10

πŸ”—Β https://airdrop.p12.games/arcana